Ops Western Bandits – Mark Dalton

Having just returned from Op Western Bandits, in San Francisco, Eastern California and Western Nevada, I can say that it was one of the most memorable trips that I have ever been on! Right from the start, a group of 26 people from UK, NZ and USA settled into working as a team and very quickly the friendship, camaraderie grew and the laughter rang out! We were fortunate enough to see amazing sights whilst travelling through the Nevada Desert, Death Valley along with Yosemite national park.
On route we fired an array of weapons systems, drove adapted off road Land Cruiser’s and other 4×4 vehicles, covering well over 1,000 miles during the 8 night expedition. We were fed amazingly well by Richie, our resident US chef and we exchanged many stories and a few beers round the camp fire during the evenings.
The predominant thing that I shall take away from this trip, is the way that I have been inspired by all of the injured veterans and those suffering with PTSD and other illnesses. I never heard anyone complain about anything and everyone just got on with all tasks and duties as part of a team. I found this to be both inspirational and humbling and I shall always remember these memories.
A huge thank you to all at Pilgrim Bandits for the work that you do. It means so much to those who need it. Also a massive thank you to Fox Bravo, our American hosts, who looked after us so well and displayed such warmth, generosity and friendship from the start and all the way through the Op Western Bandits.
Mark Dalton